Admission Office : 0992811720. Examination Office : 0992922550 , 922551
Admission Office : 0992811720. Examination Office : 0992922550 , 922551


Chairman’s Message

Department of Biochemistry was established in 2021 at Abbottabad University of science and Technology. Biochemistry combines Biology and Chemistry to study living matter. It powers scientific and medical discovery in fields such as pharmaceuticals, forensics and nutrition. Biochemistry is an important discipline as it deals with life. In that sense Biochemistry really matters as it is essential to explain the entire real world. Biochemistry is a major scientific discipline, which consists of several sub disciplines that form connections with other sciences to spawn new fields. Biochemistry problem solving has far reaching relevance to many aspects of our daily life and our future career as well. Solving the problems of today or tomorrow requires its connections with Ecology, Material Science, Planetary Science, Meteorology, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering. Biochemical principles apply to many other specialties like Medicine, Pharmacology, Criminology, Genetics, Space research to archaeology and oceanography.
The department is offering Bachelor program BS Biochemistry currently and has plan to launch M.Phil and PhD programs soon in future. Our goal is to provide a balanced introduction to the discipline. A Biochemist must be acquainted with many biological disciplines and with all major groups of natural and biological Science. Students of Biochemistry undergo introduction to the entire field before concentrating on specialized areas that might be more interesting to them. Other than academic activities, Biochemistry laboratories provide some basic facilities to the students. The manpower trained in the subject of Biochemistry is accommodated in the academic and research organizations, hospitals, serological & pathological diagnostic aboratories and forensic laboratories, Pharmaceutical, food Fisheries, wild life and dairy industries.

Department Contact Info

Office Details 

Quaid e Azam Block – AUST 

+92 992 402128

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 4:00P.M.

Contact Us


  • To boldly explore new biochemical frontiers in the Life sciences, Medicine, Energy, Materials
    and Environmental sciences through visionary research, innovation, collaboration, and


  •  To Provide distinctive and relevant education in the Biochemical & Health sciences at the
    undergraduate and Graduate levels.
  • To carry out world-class research and scholarly work with relevance to contemporary problems
    facing society and industry.

The department has the following general goals:
• To aware students about the application of scientific principles, particularly those of Biochemistry to social issues.
• To enable students to analyze critically regional, national, and international issues in which Biochemistry principles are involved.
• To recognize the appropriate contexts of science applied to such issues.
• To assure that equipment, teaching assignments, policies, and space is conducive to effective teaching in Biochemistry.
• To establish linkages with Pharmaceutical, Agriculture and Food industry as well as with health and other research institutes.

Objective & Strategies:
An important consideration in the objectives and strategies for the department of Biochemistry is the expressed need by Pharmaceutical, Agriculture and Food industry for Biochemistry with education in
quality control.
Adjustment of students in institutions and other research institutes to get the practical skill required nationally and internationally for development and after completion of degree to fit in the health
institutes & research centers with sound base.
• To organize scientific exhibitions in the campus.
• To send students to health institutes & pharmaceutical, food industry for internships & for observing market trend.
• To send students to research Laboratories for observing practical environment